Feeding Wild Birds in Summer - Just as Important as in Winter
Feeding Wild Birds in Summer: Just as Important as in Winter
Feeding wild birds during the summer is a crucial activity that ensures the health and well-being of various bird species. While winter feeding is often emphasized due to the harsh conditions and scarce food supplies, summer feeding holds significant importance for several reasons.
One of the primary reasons feeding birds in the summer is essential is the breeding season. Summer marks the peak of breeding for many bird species, a period when birds expend significant energy building nests, incubating eggs, and feeding their young. A steady supply of food during this time helps parent birds maintain their strength and successfully raise their chicks. High-protein foods, such as mealworms, are particularly beneficial as they mimic the natural insect sources vital for chick development.
In some regions, summer can bring periods of food scarcity due to environmental factors like droughts. During these times, natural food sources, such as seeds and insects, might become temporarily unavailable. By continuing to feed birds during the summer, you provide a reliable food source that can be crucial for their survival during these challenging periods.
Moulting is another significant aspect of a bird's life cycle that occurs in the summer. Moulting, the process of shedding and regrowing feathers, requires a considerable amount of energy and nutrients. Feathers are primarily composed of keratin, a protein, so birds need a diet rich in protein to grow strong, healthy feathers. Providing good quality food options during this period helps ensure that birds can complete their moult efficiently and maintain their plumage in good condition.
Feeding birds in the summer also encourages species diversity in your garden. While winter feeding often attracts hardy resident birds, summer feeders can draw in migratory species and those that might not typically visit your garden in the colder months. This increased biodiversity not only makes bird watching more enjoyable for you but also supports a broader range of bird species, contributing to the overall health of the ecosystem, a win-win.
Summer heat can also sometimes in drastic cases lead to dehydration, making access to fresh water is just as important as food. Birds need water for drinking and bathing, especially during hot weather. Providing a clean birdbath ensures birds stay hydrated and cool, which is essential for their health and well-being.
Maintaining your bird feeders and water sources throughout the summer involves some considerations. Offering a variety of foods, such as seeds, suet, mealworms, and fruit, caters to different species and nutritional needs. Keeping feeders clean is vital as warm weather can cause food to spoil quickly, leading to mould and bacteria growth. Clean feeders regularly to prevent disease among bird populations. Placing feeders in shady areas helps keep food from spoiling too quickly and provides a cooler eating spot for birds. Additionally, it is essential to monitor for pests like ants and squirrels, using baffles and pest-proof feeders such as our Squirrel Busters to minimize these issues.
By maintaining your bird feeders and water sources throughout the summer, you can help provide essential support that helps your garden birds thrive during this busy and demanding season. Your efforts contribute to the overall health and diversity of the bird population in your area, making your garden a haven for wildlife year-round :)