Spring is round the corner

As the first signs of Spring are beginning to pop up we can see that the birds too are becoming more vocal and busier. Spring is always a great time of year enjoyed by all. The days are getting longer and everywhere you go flowers are growing and little green buds are beginning to appear. It’s lovely to hear the sweet sound of birdsong as it fills the air.

Spring changes many things for all of us. We often get a sense of new energy, take up new activities and break the moulds of our cosy winter habits. Spring brings longer daylight hours which means more natural food becomes available for birds and we see this reflected in more activity in our gardens. As birds visit more, they will also take advantage of the food we offer out to them. Bird feeders often get busier in the spring as many birds prepare to expend more energy during the breeding season and whilst raising their young.

Because of this, we encourage you to keep filling your feeders and have a few top tips to help your feathered friends thrive this spring:

  1. Warmer weather can mean that bacteria can thrive, risking birds’ health. Rather than buying new feeders, we recommend giving your feeders a good spring clean. We have a range of feeder cleaning brushes and cleaning solutions to help you out in our ‘Bird Care’ tab under – Health and Hygiene
  2. Seed mixes are great to feed this time of year as they often contain smaller gains which are great for fledglings. Suet is a great option too.
  3. Check your nest boxes to ensure they are clean and ready for the next brood.
  4. Plant native plants, you can plant native flowers and shrubs in your garden to provide some natural food sources for birds, this will help encourage them to visit your garden for you to enjoy their presence.

Spring is such a nice time to get back out into our gardens and enjoy feeding the birds. You never know if this season, you will attract a new bird or maybe you will just enjoy watching the fledglings grow. It’s such a lovely time to look forward to seeing the sights and sounds of springtime.

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